Well below freezing is how the day started. It was 12 degrees when we left the house and 16 when we got to the river. The weather channel said it would get to 46 and be sunny all day so I was not worried. The section of river that we fished was below the blue ribbon fishing section so as we were getting waders on and
rigging up our rods a pickup full of guys pulled in and they all grabbed their spinning rods and worms and took off in a hurry to the river. When we got ready we took off up river in hopes of finding sun light peeking through the trees. My dad couldn't take it anymore and he found a run he liked and started fishing. He hooked in to a nice fish on his 2nd or 3rd cast. After a short battle with the fish and the ice on his rod eyes he was able to net and release a 16 inch rainbow. Now I decided to give up chasing sun light and fish so I picked a deep hole behind some sunken logs and boulders. I cast and drifted what I thought were great drifts
but no takes. I could get 4 or 5 casts before I had to clean ice off my rod eyes so I decided to wait for the sun. I heard my dad down river so I assumed he was catching fish. As I was waiting for the sun he came walking back up and I could tell he wasn't catching fish like I thought I didn't ask but I am sure he was mad about the ice on his rod. haha I tried to tell him that would happen.
We walked up to a bend where I could see sun on the river. I tried a few casts and was only successful at gathering more ice on my rod so I let my dad fish the run. I changed flies around and when he gave up I cast up stream and was able to catch and release a nice 15ish inch rainbow. Things were looking up!!!!! We decided to go up river a little more and found a nice run with a boulder structure at the top, trees overhanging
on the bank and, slow water at the bottom. We were able to consistently catch fish there for a while. My dad even caught two small trout at one time. I got the itch to keep going up river so we did. BIG mistake. Every hole or run was filled with worm drownders We tried a few spots as we walked up but no fish. We decided to sit down and have a snack and drink some pop. I could see fish in the run right in front of us. Big fish too! I threw up river and drifted over them. I added a little split shot and that was the trick, I hooked a monster 17 inch and very fat rainbow. My next drift I caught another big fish except this one looked like a brown when it flashed under water. I got it close and my dad started laughing because it was a sucker. We both were able to catch a few more sucker before we left that hole.
On our way back down river we fished a few holes and caught a couple fish nothing to big but they were lots of fun. I found a pod of fish sipping midges just under the surface so I tied on a small grey midge and made a few casts. I was able to land one but that spooked the rest of them. We decided to call it a day and headed to the car. It was a great day I think and the fish were a little harder to catch than last time we went out. I fished with a #18 bead head zebra midge and a #22 black midge as my second fly. My indicator was any where between 4 and 7 feet from my split shot.
My first fish of the day.
17 inch rainbow
My dads two at a time LITTLE fishies.